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Присоединился: 06 Oct 2013
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#100505 Moskvitch 424 1964

Автор: gostafa на 17 October 2013 - 20:38

Can you tell me what the "special features" could be? Did the 424IE have more eqiupment than the model in Russia? As you wrote earlier the model 424 was probably only aviable for organisations, does that mean the 424 was used by police and things like that? The milage of my car is 75000km.. I found this car in 1986.. Only one thing was defect and that was the water pump..Unfortunately I took the decision that I should restore the whole car.. So I teared it apart in pieces..(in 1987) and then it has been stored in a garage..Now 20 years later I going to build up this car again...I will post pictures of my car as soon as I can..I´m very interested in all kind of documentation of this model..
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